Benefits of Black Cumin /Black Caraway/ Nigella/ Kalonji,Healthy Food Information

Benefits of Black Cumin /Black Caraway/ Nigella, Healthy Food Information

Benefits of Black Cumin
Benefits of Black Cumin

Black Cumin is herbal medicine. Black Cumin has been used for various diseases, not just in cooking or cooking. Fennel flower is a medium-sized seasonal tree. The scientific name of Nigella Sativa Linn. In the Ayurvedic, Unani, Kabirji treatments, Black Cumin is used. And uses Black Cumin as a cooking spice.

Islamists believe in Black Cumin as an incurable cure. It has a hadith. The hadith is narrated from Ayesha, she said, "I have heard the Prophet (peace be upon him) say: A. Black Cumin, the cure for all diseases except Sam." I said: What is Sam? He said: Death! " [Bukhari: 5687]

Black Cumin is a very familiar name. It is truly astonishing to see what great power the great Allah Ta'ala, the creator of the small black grains, has put out.

Black Cumin has more than 100 useful ingredients. There it is

  • 21% Amish,
  • 38% sugar
  • 35% herbal oils and fats.

Black Caraway (Black Cumin) is one of the ingredients

Nigel on,
Thymoquinone and permanent oil.

Black Cumin is in oil as well

Benefits of Black Cumin
black cumin
  • Linoleic acid
  • oleic acid
  • Calcium
  • Potassium
  • Iron
  • Zinc
  • Magnesium
  • Selenium
  • vitamin-A
  • Vitamin-B,
  • Vitamin-B2
  • Niacin and Vitamin-C

Nigella (Black Cumin) contains phosphate,

Apart from the various components of the germicidal killer.
It contains anti-cancer carotene.

Black Cumin is such a medicine! Its benefits are difficult to describe. Because Black Cumin is the drug of all diseases.

Benefits of Black Cumin
Benefits of Black Cumin

That's the only significant 21 benefits I mentioned and its rules.

1.Increases memory power,

Mix one teaspoon of mint juice or orange juice or one teaspoon of Nigella oil three times daily with one teaspoon of tea. This will relieve your anxiety. Also, it works to develop merit at a double rate. Nigella itself is antibiotic or antiseptic. It helps to increase memory power by increasing blood circulation in the brain.

2. Solves problems in the eyes

Before going to bed at night, massage the black caraway oil on both the eyes and eyebrows. Consume one month of black caraway oil with a cup of carrot juice. it is a good benefit.

3. Eliminates headache

Massage the Black Cumin Oil 3-4 times daily on both the cheeks and the surrounding area of ​​the head in the forehead. Drink a teaspoon of oil on an empty stomach for three days and get the Good benefits.

4. Colds, coughs, and asthma

Massage Nigella oil on chest and back. In this case, it can also be mixed with other massages beneficial to asthma.

5. Acidity and Gastric

One cup of milk and one tablespoon of black caraway oil three times daily for 5-7 days. It will reduce gastrically.

6. To relieve gout pain

Massage Kalonji oil on the back and other back pain. Apart from this, the health of Kalonji every morning with honey is a good benefit.

7. In the case of various heart problems

Drinking black Cumin regularly with tea or mixing it with oil will help reduce the risk of heart disease, just as it does in heart disease.

8. Controls the blood pressure

Whenever you drink hot drinks or tea, eat Black Cumin. When eating hot food or rice, eat black Cumin filling. Then blood pressure will be normal. In addition, mix black cumin, neem, and garlic oil together and use it on the head. This can be done 2-3 days in a row.

9. Piles cure problems

One teaspoon of butter and equal sesame oil, one teaspoon of Black Caraway oil along with 3/4 weeks on an empty stomach will get good benefits.

10. Bring diabetes under control

Black Cumin is very useful in relieving diabetes. Take one pinch of Black Cumin with a glass of water every morning on an empty stomach, and blood glucose levels will be under control.

11.Solves sexual problems

Black Cumin powder and olive oil, 50 grams. Mix 200 grams of pure honey together and eat one teaspoon after a meal in the morning. This will increase Sex power.

12. Irregular menstrual problems

One cup of raw turmeric juice or equivalent to one cup of boiling water with one teaspoon of black caraway oil mixed with oil 3 times daily to understand the effectiveness.

14. For breast milk growth

For mothers who do not have enough milk in their chest, their drug is Nigella. Girls should drink 5-10 grams of Nigella powder before bed every night and eat with milk. In just 10-15 days the flow of milk will increase. In addition to solving this problem, Nigella can eat with food by filling. In addition, one teaspoon of Nigella oil equivalent to honey can be consumed 3 times daily, which is 100% effective.
Benefits of Black Cumin
Benefits of Black Cumin

15. For skin moisture

Instead of body lotion for skin moisture in winter, simply mix black Cumin oil or olive oil with black Cumin oil and massage the entire body. Which will help to take care of your skin and reduce the risk of skin diseases

16. Eliminating various liver problems

Consume one teaspoon of Black Cumin Oil 3/4 times a day 4/5 weeks with a glass of triple syrup, then enjoy good results.

17. Increases the physical and mental health of the baby

To increase the physical and mental health of the baby
The practice of feeding Black Cumin to children over two years of age increases the physical and mental growth of the baby. It also does a lot to improve the baby's brain health and memory. However, children under the age of two should not consume Black Cumin Oil.

18. Eliminating digestive problems

For digestive problems, eat 1/2 teaspoon Nigella powder with water. By playing this way two to three times a day, digestion will increase within 1 month. It will also eliminate stomach cramps.

19. To stop hair fall

Eat Black Cumin to stop the hair fall, the hair will get enough nutrition so the hair will stop falling. Continue to massage the oil at the base of the hair to get more fruit.
Benefits of Black Cumin
Benefits of Black Cumin

20. To alleviate toothache

If you have a toothache, drink black cumin in hot water and it reduces toothache.

21. Need a good sleep

Massaging this oil on the head leads to a peaceful sleep overnight.

More Information Coming Soon.

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