What is a File and File extension explained

 What is a File and File extension explained?

What is a File and File extension explained
 What is a File and File extension explained

File - A file is 'data' acceptable to a computer program.

Eg: Audio, Video, Image, etc. The format type is written at the end of the file name. This is called file extension. which is written after (dot) at the end of the file name. For example DC001.jpg or new.txt etc.

In the above examples, the first is the image extension [ .jpg ] and the second is the text file extension [ .txt ].

Some of the known and widely used file extensions are given below

Audio file extensions.

.aif - AIF audio file

.cda - CD audio track file

.mid or .midi - MIDI audio file.

.mp3 - MP3 audio file

.mpa - MPEG-2 audio file

.ogg - Ogg Vorbis audio file

.wav - WAV file

.wma - WMA audio file

.wpl - Windows Media Player playlist


Video file extension

.3g2 - 3GPP2 multimedia file

.3gp - 3GPP multimedia file

.avi - AVI file

.flv - Adobe Flash file

.h264 - H.264 video file

.m4v - Apple MP4 video file

.mkv - Matroska Multimedia Container

.mov - Apple QuickTime movie file

.mp4 - MPEG4 video file

.mpg or .mpeg - MPEG video file

.rm - RealMedia file

.swf - Shockwave flash file

.vob - DVD Video Object

.webm - WebM video file.

.wmv - Windows Media Video file


Image file extension

.ai - Adobe Illustrator file

.bmp - Bitmap image file

.gif - graphics interchange format image file

.ico - Icon file

.jpeg or .jpg - Joint Photographic Experts Group  image file

.png - Portable Network Graphics image file

.ps - PostScript file

.psd - Photoshop Document image 

.svg - Scalable Vector Graphics file

.tif or .tiff - TIFF image

.webp - WebP image.


Word processor and text file extension

.docx - Ms-Word file

.odt - OpenOffice document file

.pdf - PDF file

.rtf - Rich Text Format

.tex - TeX document file

.txt - Plain text file

.wpd - Word Perfect document



Compressed file extensions

.7z - 7-Zip compressed file

.arj - ARJ compressed file

.deb - Debian software package file

.pkg - Package file compressed file

.rar - Roshal ARchive compressed file

.rpm - Red Hat Package Manager compressed file

.tar - Tarball compressed file

.z - Z compressed file

.zip - Zip compressed file



Disc and media file extensions

.bin - Binary disc image

.dmg - macOS X disk image

.iso - ISO disc image

.toast - Toast disc image

.vcd - Virtual CD

Data and database file extensions

.csv - Comma-separated value file

.dat - Data file

.db or .dbf - Database file

.log - Log file

.mdb - Ms-Access database file

.sav - Save file

.sql - SQL database file

.xml - XML file


Executable file extensions

.apk - Android package file

.bat - Batch file

.bin - Binary file

.cgi or .pl - Perl script file

.com - MS-DOS command file

.exe - Executable file

.gadget - Windows gadget

.jar - Java Archive file

.msi - Windows installer package

.py - Python file

.wsf - Windows Script File


Font file extensions

.fnt - Windows font file

.fon - Generic font file

.otf - Open type font file

.ttf - TrueType font file


Presentation file extension

.key - Keynote presentation

.odp - OpenOffice Impress presentation file

.pps - PowerPoint slide show

.ppt - PowerPoint presentation

.pptx - PowerPoint Open XML presentation


Spreadsheet file extension

.xls - Ms-Excel file

.xlsm - Ms-Excel file with macros

.xlsx - Ms-Excel spreadsheet file


Programming file extensions

.cgi and .pl - Perl script file.

.class - Java class file

.cpp - C++ source code file

.cs - Visual C# source code file

.java - JavaSource code file

.php - PHP script file.

.py - Python script file.

.sh - Bash shell script

.swift - Swift source code file

.vb - Visual Basic file


System-related file extensions

.bak - Backup file

.cab - Windows Cabinet file

.cfg - Configuration file

.cpl - Windows Control panel file

.cur - Windows cursor file

.dll - DLL file

.dmp - Dump file

.drv - Device driver file

.icns - macOS X icon resource file

.ico - Icon file

.ini - Initialization file

.lnk - Windows shortcut file

.msi - Windows installer package

.sys - Windows system file

.tmp - Temporary file

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